Unplug and play.

Full size, full power. All electric dirt bikes are here.

Arctic Leopard brings the broad hauling power of electric to your back yard or favorite riding spots without all the maintenance or disapproving stares.

No more mixing gas, cleaning air filters, fouled plugs, top end rebuilds, blocked jets or waking the neighbors.

Unplug, sneak out and go ride.

Back yard trials to enduro insanity.

Arctic Leopard offers a range of models to enable your favorite style of riding. From light weight trials bikes, mid weight free ride and forest explorers to full on, full size, full power, dirt throwing, wheelie pulling, freedom making, ego checking rocket ships.

Zero to Hero.

All Arctic Leopard bikes are tunable by smartphone APP. Our bikes can be set from walking speed, right up to full on motocross power.

If you can ride a bicycle, you can ride an Arctic Leopard. The complication of starting and gears and clutch are gone. The anxiety of too much power. Gone.

Set it to deliver smooth gentle power for your family or friends to safely join you on a ride.

The best way to get everyone involved and welcome your favorite people to your favorite sport and have them coming back for more.

Available from our Wellington Showroom.

Come check out our stock of Arctic Leopard bikes in our Wellington showroom. We can deliver around New Zealand. If you would like to test ride or purchase a bike please contact us.

We aim to give you more time on the throttle and less time on the tools.

Contact us.

Phone 0223852269

Email holdon@arcticleopard.co.nz.

or fill out this form.

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Which bikes are you interested in?

Arctic Leopard is sold and distributed in New Zealand by Converted Limited.

61 Port Road

022 3852269
